Post Landing Support

Post landing support in Canada is crucial for newcomers to smoothly transition and settle into their new life in the country. At Novel Immigration Services India, we offer comprehensive assistance to help you navigate this phase with ease. Our services include guidance on obtaining essential documents such as Social Insurance Number (SIN), opening bank accounts, finding suitable accommodation, enrolling in healthcare services, and understanding your rights and responsibilities as a resident of Canada. We also provide information on local amenities, schools, and community resources to facilitate integration into Canadian society. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring that your post-landing experience is comfortable and successful, allowing you to focus on building a fulfilling life in Canada.

Feel free to inquire about any Canadian immigration queries

    Post landing support refers to the assistance and services available to newcomers after they arrive in Canada. It aims to help immigrants settle into their new lives smoothly by providing guidance, information, and resources.

    The duration of post landing support varies depending on the organization or program providing it. Generally, it spans from a few weeks to several months, ensuring newcomers have sufficient time to adjust and access necessary resources.

    Feel free to inquire about any Canadian immigration queries

      Review on Refusal Cases

      Reviewing refusal cases for Canadian visas is a critical process that requires thorough assessment and strategic planning. At Novel Immigration Services India, we understand the challenges and complexities involved when a visa application is refused. Our experienced team meticulously reviews the reasons for refusal, conducts a comprehensive analysis of the application, and identifies any potential weaknesses or discrepancies. We work closely with clients to gather additional supporting documents, address concerns raised by immigration authorities, and prepare a strong appeal or re-application strategy. Our goal is to advocate on behalf of our clients and maximize their chances of a successful outcome in subsequent visa applications. With our expertise and personalized approach, we strive to navigate the complexities of refusal cases effectively and help individuals achieve their immigration goals to Canada.

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